Well I arrived in Hobart on Monday as planned and I had a very enjoyable flight. While I was on the flight I started talking to the couple next to me, as you do, and I found out that he hand makes acoustic guitars at his home workshop. Allan Bull makes the most beautiful guitars and I am going to photograph them on Saturday before going into Hobart for a sunset and night time shot of the harbour, Constitution Dock. Allan can be found here if you’re interested www.bullguitars.com and he has some were nice sound files to listen to.
Right, so after I got off the plane I gathered and lugged my gear to the motorhome company, Britz/Maui, to get my rolling accommodation and to get the run through on how everything works. This was pretty quick as my wife, son and I have had 8 motorhome hires now from our trips to NZ and Tassie with number 9 coming up in a few weeks to NZ again, but that’s another blog.
Day 1 – From the airport I took the picturesque drive down through Eaglehawk Neck to the Tasman Peninsula where I stopped overnight at the Tessellated Pavement which is in Pirates Bay. I got a coffee from the Lufra Hotel and Apartments and walked down the 100m meter gentle slope to the pavement and I just sat in awe. It is the one of the most beautiful place in the world that I have seen in my travels and I could move there tomorrow. It is very sleepy during the winter months but come summer it is a destination for a lot of people from Hobart and the surrounding areas.
I wondered down and took some sunset shots and met a guy called Luke who was travelling around Tassie doing flood repairs to houses. He was there to get some shots and was then going to the Richmond bridge to do some astro shots. He can be found on Instagram at Bullettheoryphotography. Now I planned on getting out and shooting some astro but my big toe went out and the rest would not follow 😊 It was about 5 degrees and the wind was blowing but it would have been awesome as the stars were so bright looking out the window.
Day 2 – 5am start as I was keen to get setup and be ready for the rise so I had some breaky, rugged up, gathered my gear and headed down. Now I did google what time the sun rose and it told me 7.28 am but being from Queensland this did not compute. But they were right as I did not start getting any good light till around 7 but it was awesome to be in that moment when it comes up over the pavement and it does something to your sole, sorry to be so deep! I stayed till around 8 and then headed back to my motorhome with some great shots even though the rise was not that great.
After packing up, I took the short drive to the Tasman Arch and Devils Kitchen before taking the very long drive to Binalong Bay in the Bay of Fires area. Along the way I stopped at Spikey Beach and behind my main from the beach was Spikey Bridge which was made out of stone with you guessed it, spikey stones sticking up on top. After arriving at Binalong Bay I scoped out my shoot location which is in Skeleton Bay and it is a single tree that is growing in a rocky outcrop. This tree is very famous, and people come from around the world to photograph it. Although it is not as famous as the lone tree in Wanaka NZ. The granite rocks have an orange hue to them which is actually produced by Lichen. The beaches are covered in very white sand and the water is very blue and clear. I drove to my free camp at Swimcart beach which is around 15 min drive from my shoot in the morning. I arrived at sunset and immediately got my gear out and went down to the beach. It wasn’t long before I was chatting to another photographer on the beach and we took photos for the next 30 mins together. Liz told me about some other places she had been and offered to get her Ipad out and show me some shots. I spent the next 30 mins chatting to her and her Husband John before heading back to my motor home for the night.
Day 3 – Coming soon 😊